Sunday, August 1, 2021

An unexpected joyous time

And I'm feeling shame, feeling failure, feeling a great sense of lacking

How did I get to this place when I was trying so hard to not budge an inch

And you came along to draw me out--and for what?

What was the purpose of all of this

Now I'm left with a wasted sense of restlessness

Not comfortable with myself, sitting in my own skin

Don't know what to do with my hands

Never know what to do with my body 

Something so soothing about walking aimlessly at night and ending up at the river

The chaotic and yet undefined reflection of light, bouncing off the surface

Mixing with the sounds of other waves, other melancholic reflections

From sharp edges, harsh angles shaping what I'm feeling, shaping what's ailing

Feeding on the old wounds left over from another beast

You've taken what you wanted with hard and subtle persuasion

You've fooled those closest to you, the ones weak with sympathy

You've fed off the hand that's drunk and unaware of its discrepancies

You can't break a spine if it doesn't exist

You can't steal time if it's in excess

How can I remove the thorn from my heart

When my hands are trembling?

How do I move through time and space

When this feels never-mending?

I lie awake at night trying to answer the unsolvable problem

Trying to practice kindness in the face of pain

I try to be good, but falter along the way

 Is anything every accomplished by cursing time?

Choices I made, opportunities I missed (I'm cursed)

I haunt myself with my own words

Always coming back to me, they echo

I give power

To everything

Everything else

But myself

All of my idols are sad

But maybe that's the human condition

To be full of things

Like longing and guilt

Insatiable and haunting

Whenever I feel like I'm not enough

I always wish I could will myself into a different way of being

Replace part of my personality with something new

Jump into someone else's body

Or maybe just will myself away

Maybe the issue is with scenery

Feeling displaced with where trying to build a home

Perpetually roaming, longing for what seems unattainable--

A deep, sought after comfort

Which seems like a myth, yet we all try anyway

I feel the lust in my lungs when my chest seizes

The burdened breaths and automated, unintentional heavy sighs

Always finding myself staring off

Having zero thoughts, having twenty- all at once

I'm juggling between what seems logical

And what is most certainly an annoying undercurrent of paranoia

Of course I know best when I'm being ridiculous

I take it harshly and in absolutes, instead of in half truths

I wear them as branding of my misgivings

And so I can be open and warm until I remember then try to hide myself away

Cover up my skin--all until the false confidence begins again

I never thought I was this insecure, but maybe I am

But maybe this is normal, maybe this is everyone

Hard to tell when we're all trying so hard to pretend otherwise

Curse myself for being this way

Damn the world for its complexities and acquired tastes

Miscommunications and ventures bringing waste

Mortified by my own desires and questioning of what I think I deserve

I'd rather leave it be and pretend I never trailed down a path that leads to nowhere

Always wondering what is it exactly I have learned if not just another way of resilience

 What's "for the best" doesn't necessarily feel positive

It sometimes feels like a bruise being pressed

And I felt the slow twinge of pain as I felt it slipping

On the hinge of falling apart

Things we were hopeful for - I have "a good feeling" about this one

We say each time, not knowing the full weight of disappointment

Until the bottom falls out

Endless pressure from gravity and the stress of it all

"Figuring it out," perpetually

As if it's something to check off the list

We never quite get there - Do we? Did we?

Everything is just momentary, it often seems

And there is comfort in that

But much of the time, it's just really painful

When I think of the friends I've been in love with

The qualities they possess

I wonder if there is someone out there who embodies it all