Thursday, July 12, 2018

Kiss my eyelids
Every night
So that I may sleep,
And I'll promise to
Touch my lips
To all your sharp places
Of your curvature,
And hold you near,
Until we aren't thinking
Consciously anymore,
Until the morning,
Stretching & sighing.

"A sip of water to stretch the seconds,
Including these smiles & smirks
Inside all this noise, all this chatter.
Fingers tapping a beat and my hands all a-frantic
To find something sacred to share with you...
Switching back and forth,
Mending my metamorphosis,
Here you are as you always were,
By my side, with you,
All the bad thoughts have died."

Coriander, cardamom, echinacea.
Sage, basil, & dill;
Shading the kitchen counter,
Lining the window sill.
Yellow walls and checkered floors,
This is where we create art.
This is where we nourish ourselves.
This is where we

"Stripes from the nape of your neck
To your heart fill of spectacular spices.
My eyes fall upon every movement,
Every moment you are a lovely layer of love."

My plaid love,
Lumber my heart.
Harvest for your own creation.
Perhaps a wooden chest
To fill with memories,
Or a house for us to live in.

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