Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I feel nervous, not knowing 
But then there are these moments
Like the way I made you laugh in the car
And you cupped my cheek in your hand
Or the time you woke up
With your head on my chest
And tilted up to kiss me
Still half asleep
You know you lightly snore
And it is the cutest thing
It’s these things I try to ignore
To not get too attached
To not potentially hurt
But also the things I try to remember
When I wonder if I should be
Hopeful or sentimental
Investing my tender self

Monday, May 27, 2019

I haven't in a long time
But that's not on you
How could you know?
That I was actually gentle, tender and afraid

My heart beats so loudly
And I can't ignore it
I do it to myself
I did this all to myself
I got myself deeper and deeper in
I brought this all on myself

"My ideas were always too big.
My love is always too big.
Too much. I do this to myself.
I should do everything small, sedated."

Friday, May 24, 2019

Teetering on the precipice
Uncertain of which direction
I will tumble damnably down
Careening toward unplanned ventures