Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rumination on the past serves little purpose
When compared to feeling the experience and moving forward.
Worrying about the future prepares some,
But not enough to outweigh the anxiety that comes.

Move & remember to keep breathing.
Live & remember to keep feeling.
That way, if I  die,
I won't have seen it coming,
And time will not have been wasted.

Build a house in the present.
Remember to compost memories
So that new life may bloom.
Water the seeds & watch them grow,
Don't wait until tomorrow
To see them sprout.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

With a drought and the bees suffering,
Apple crops diminished by eightfold.
Despite the shortage in Michigan,
The Buddhist temple is abundant--
Enough to have a box offering
Of honeycrisps to give away.
I, myself, take two.
Likewise, when I thought all my love had gone,
I somehow find parts of me to share
Selflessly with you.
I know the custom across the sea.
Must I offer myself to you three times
Before you accept me?

Monday, February 4, 2013

I've been living in poverty,
Starving for your words--
Though I didn't know it yet.
Your words haunt me
Before you've even left.